Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

So today was a good day for me.
Got up early and went to aquasize (even though I was exhausted cause I went last night)
I have eaten fairely well today, except for the 2 cupcakes that I had to celebrate valentines day.
I also went to my weekly weight watchers meeting and lost another 2.4 pounds (since starting with weightwatchers), which makes my total pounds lost since I started to lose weight a total of 9.2 pounds.
I step on the scale everyday and i seem to lose between 0.2 and 0.6 pounds, not that I'm complaining, cause really I'm not.
I am very excited, I am succeeding in my goal to become heathier everyday.
I was also very proud of myself today, I received some coupons in the mail for MaryBrowns, so of course I craved MaryBrowns.
I was going to stop on my way home from work, but thought it better, cause it wasn't worth it.
Yay another day is done.
Updates tomorrow.

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